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Even as a pensioner wirste ripped off !!!!

Million seniors aged only remains Hartz IV pension! Thanks to the SPD and CDU !!
The 10 Biggest Lies for future reference and reflection;-(

1. There is no money ... Where did it come to?
Money is there in the pension pot, but it renter workers get the 17 mil. Paid only 40% ..... the rest of 60% are special pots for civil servants, professionals, doctors, lawyers and many other professionals. Civil servants' pensions are the sacred cow of politics!

2. Why do you get a paltry pension?
You've been busy and have 45 years stuck in life ...... you have paid into the fat pensions from others. And now in the pension you pay more the fat pensions from others. Since going public servant with 50 to early retirement and get € 3000 net ....... paid these have almost zero!

3. The Rentenrefom does not vary on prosperity! Right!
Are to encourage the workers nourish the only workers retired ..... every worker would have probably retired 1500 Euros net or more. You can not! The Sacred Cow of the policy needs to be nourished! And it is precisely this group sits in politics .... and you gambles years from.

4. Why should give more pension now?
It is called the syndrome ..... fear of loss! Opt for a further SPD / CDU and poverty in retirement is further secured! The D-Mark time a pensioner was richly rewarded with 1,600 marks ..... but after 40 years of sound policies, stability, and each lot of lies going people with 800 to 1000 euros in bonds.

5. What pensions for immigrants?
You work hard for 45 years to 1000 euros pension then the GEZ to finance .... but an immigrant to get a pension Hartz only 20 years ..... 800 currently?

6. Can we pay the pension, the young generation?
Theoretically YES .... virtually NO! The Sacred Cow of the policy needs to be nourished! The pressures on public servants for inflation each year 3% more money for retirement and the final grade will approach taken. Pensioners get to inflation from 0 to 0.3% ... because even do not need to ..... but the best work to 70, and then straight to the cemetery! For workers apply the savings model ....... ie: After 40 years with an inflation rate of 100%, it is nothing;-(...... Russian model of inflation with the ruble Is not it amazing how our state solves his problems on the minds of the workers.

7. The young generation and your future.
For this, the Hartz4 model was invented and temp agencies!
With all the power would be trying to low-wage machinery ..... little reward much of a future, little motivation and few prospects for the age. These people must now face the music ..... for the mistakes of the older generation, for the present generation who wants Change nothing. This generation dumping wage paid already for the sacred cow of politics.

8. Is there a solution? Yes!
Other countries are working on a social system and we should see to it that it reacts immediately across Europe. Here the EU's social system is already claimed. Currently pay a lot of workers and pensioners privileged retirees with pensions from 3000 to (Unbelievable)! In about after the Swiss model, it could look like this: Minimum pension today for all of 1300 Euros, maximum for every 3000 euros. An official would not get 7000 and a manager no pension EUR 30 000 per month. If one earns 5,000 euros net, then he can also put money for an extra insurance to the side.

9. Why is not enforceable in Germany?
The Sacred Cow of politics does not want that top earners do not want it too! Money is cool and makes money Geil ...... and they have power is also Geil.
Make poor poorer and the rich richer ....... which is called social policy!
Arms fighting killed survive .... and empires therefore to keep the wealth.
If it stays that way ..... every worker is sentenced to Hartz4 retirement age!

10. Everyone should deposit, civil servants and other top earners for a lifetime. No exceptions and the money may only be taken for the pension and not be diverted by the State! It is also to Guarantee by birth in the EU pension no problem. This contribution pays a Berufunfaehigkeitsversicherung can be paid, no matter from what age one is Berufsunfaehig. If someone says it is not making and finance, then you know also why they are against it.

11. How many people do you know?
How many retired people you know who have almost nothing today and must weigh the social system?
How many do you know the Pensioners have to earn it?
How many workers do you know who already say today is that his money in the pension?
If something's up to your parents and children, then do something for their future.
...... Can be divided quietly doing something than to wait for Hartz4 pension

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