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Somehow different and yet so like any of us. Micky Dearest is a musician, writer, producer, and above all: humans. In his collection of short stories he tells gripped most of the life situations that he has personally experienced - albeit from a very personal point of view and always with a twinkle in his eye. Sometimes funny, sometimes a bit thoughtful and yet always with a dash of irony. But still human ...

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"If bad breath clothed in human form and it withstands the High Thalia element violence If ignorance and greed holds the scepter so in need of healing the torn world two earth girl Forgotten sex is fused rock and soul into one Mirror is intact, the once cut five times and the old place it deserves by law because the eye takes fire children's children if Kaerms help of the dragons are exempt and dominates the proud, the advanced has long fought for alien worlds up of evil touch of hand mirror Kinds decays, whirled from the sandy times they return to their forgotten country ... "

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Talking about his feelings should not be male ... So something can and do only women ... In fact, there are many people who share this view ... So what else could I do to refute this prejudice as ...?


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Where's the time gone ~ `Goethe' why has long been written anything more? What happened to the people ~ extinct ancient poets and thinkers hordes! The world of words is often very misleading, although it is usually clear in their statement, we would interpret anything into it. In particular, our interpretations is now and again that a simple, therefore gesagter set plarisiert.



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A serial killer keeps the Munich police on their toes. He kills women indiscriminately, silently, without a trace. He throws suspicion on purpose on the unsuspecting Thomas Mattern. His next victim will be Barbara Stein, the great love of Thomas Mattern. Can Mattern save them?


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